A single, powerful,
all-in-one communication tool

Business text messaging for

independent retailers

woman in retail store checking out at cash register
star icon representing google and facebook reviews

Get the feedback you need to grow your business with automated text message requests for Google or Facebook reviews.


credit card icon representing text to pay or text payments

Boost sales, get paid faster and with less hassle with text to pay. Send custom invoices with a secure payment link and always get paid on time.

Text to Pay

chat icon representing web chat to text

Maximize your website’s potential with web chat and give each visitor a personalized experience.

Web chat

Rev up your business with
the power of texting

bike shop employees at register google reviews and invoice

Don’t miss a beat and connect with customers on the go to keep your bike shop buzzing

image of specialized bike

How Specialized
Scaled To 90+
Bike Shops With

woman shopping at retail store

Let your customers do the talking

Boost your reviews and create a loyal community of brand advocates. Change the way you ask for reviews and increase your business’ ranking.

jewelry associate and customer

Maximize the potential of your POS

Leverage your point of sale data and expand your reach through customized text messages.

Get ahead of the competition

Discover how text messaging can help you
improve customer engagement and drive revenue.

phone showing a paid invoice through text to pay
bikes and accessories

Matt Clemens, Demand Generation Manager, USA Retail Success @ Specialized Bicycle Components

“In a day and age where it is difficult to get attention and engagement from consumers, I’m thankful that we have Ikeono as part of our technology stack.”