The next generation of NPS is about
asking and taking action the right way

person business text messaging on phone

What’s the next generation of NPS?

Use the simplicity of a text message to ask for your score, repair relationships that need fixing and boost your brand with positive reviews from promoters.

backoffice nps data on business text messaging platform

Don’t shoot in the dark

Unleash the power of customer data to fine-tune your business processes, and spot inefficiencies. NPS gives you real-time data on what’s going right and what can be improved.

customer and employee consulting in retail store

Multiply your strategies

Maximize your retail success across all locations by harnessing the power of data. Identify the winning strategies between locations and implement positive changes across the board.

Do you know your customers?

NPS categorizes your customers into 3 groups

icon representing promoter nps

Satisfied and loyal, these customers recommend your business to everyone. Prioritize their loyalty and encourage them to spread the word.


icon representing passives nps

Satisfied but not committed enough to be loyal. Focus on turning them into promoters. Otherwise… they may switch to a competitor.


icon representing detractors nps

Dissatisfied and can damage your brand through negative reviews and word-of-mouth. Take action to mend relationships and make the necessary changes.


Join the thousands of retailers

who have improved their communication with business text messaging


  • Ikeono’s feedback feature gives you the ability to easily ask a net promoter score from your customers via text message. Check out this blog post for more information.

  • Net Promoter Score is a way to measure customer experience on a scale of 1-10. Check out this blog post for more information.

  • Yes! While we provide a default NPS question to get you started, you can fully customize your own.

  • The scores are editable in your Ikeono portal. The ability to do so is a user permission to ensure data integrity.