Boosting Jewelry Sales with Text Payments: What You Need to Know for 2025

The global jewelry industry has been in recovery mode and things are looking good in 2024. 

After bouncing back from the challenges of the last two years, the industry is projected to grow at the same pace that we witnessed in the early days of the pandemic. 

Interestingly (and luckily), while the global market faced a temporary downturn, the U.S. jewelry market managed to avoid this dip entirely. 

Along with consistent growth, online sales are expected to expand to $37.9 billion by 2029 from $22.5 billion in 2024.

As the industry evolves, consumer expectations evolve and today jewelers are facing a new generation of buyers that are gaining more and more purchasing power.

Adapting your sales and communication strategies to stay competitive is imperative for continued growth.

In this blog post we will cover the power of text payments, its omnichannel capabilities, how it compares to digital wallets and Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL).

Connecting with Customers Anytime, Anywhere: Seamlessly Omnichannel 

The beauty of text messaging is that it allows you to catch customers at any point of their journey, whether it is in their research phase as they are navigating your website or social media channels, or even in-stores.

If we drill down to the check-out experience, how does the experience differ through each channel?

Your Website

The first step to offering text payments through your website is by implementing web chat to text message

The magic of this is that you are able to interact with any lead that is on your website and is curious enough to ask you a question but not ready to check out. 

By maintaining the conversation even after they leave your website, you keep your business at the forefront of their minds as they continue their research.

Where does text payment come in?

At any point in the conversation where the customer is ready to place an order or a deposit on a custom piece, you are ready to send a secure payment link to capture that sale.

Social Media Direct Messages

The same goes for social media direct messages. 

As a business in 2024, you are already investing time and money into your social media presence.

While it’s true that customers can shop directly from a post, there is something powerful about being able to have one-on-one interactions with those that reach again. 

And the best part is that this conversation that started on social media has the potential to turn into a sale. You’ll be able to answer any questions, share images of your products, all within the same interaction, making it seamless to close the deal.


As we will cover in the next section, text payments shines when it comes to the in-store experience of those that don’t carry a wallet with them. 

In addition it is also an integral part in keeping a store looking clean and tidy, with no clunky payment machine lying around, the jewelry can be the main character in your store.

BNPL and Jewelry Sales: A Modern Take on Financing

Financing in the jewelry industry has always been a double-edged sword – jewelers have had to balance preserving the exclusivity of their products and offering flexibility when it comes to payment options.

With open banking and ever changing consumer habits and expectations, the conversation around financing has changed. 

In fact, the way financing is perceived has completely changed. In other words, financing has gotten an entirely new marketing team, because now it goes under the name of Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL). 

Financing has not only changed its name, but it has become a completely new experience when compared to the traditional financing we are familiar with in the industry. 

The process is simpler, more discreet, and user-friendly. 

Your customers won’t need to apply for a credit line, open an account with a new bank, wait for an approval, or deal with high interest rates. 

At the moment, there are over 360 million consumers that use BNPL, and this figure is expected to nearly triple by 2027.

If that’s not convincing enough, then one thing that should bring you certainty about offering BNPL options to your customers is that big banks are now adopting it – large banks such as Chase, Citibank and even American Express are offering their own BNPL programs. 

Not only has there been a perception shift in financing services such as BNPL, but these traditional views don’t exist among Gen-Zers and Millennials the same way it did for the generations that came before them. 

Gen-Zers and Millennials are less concerned with the view that financing luxury goods might diminish its exclusivity and instead they want to have options that help them manage their purchases and actually seek exclusivity in their experience with a brand.

While previous generations often viewed financing luxury jewelry as ‘lesser than’, Gen Z and millennials are less concerned with these traditional beliefs, embracing financing options like Buy Now, Pay Later means convenience for them and nothing more.

Keep in mind that nearly half, 48.9% of customers in the jewelry industry are 34 year olds or younger.

Need a little help interacting with different generations? Check out this guide we put together on how to effectively interact with every generation.

Why Digital Wallets Fall Short for High-Value Purchases and How Text Payments Fill the Gap

There’s no denying that digital wallets like Apple Pay and Google Wallet are gaining popularity, here are some fun facts to show you what we mean: 

Although it’s very likely for someone to go out of the house without their physical wallet and make a few purchases using their digital wallet, it’s unlikely that they will resort to tap-to-pay (contactless payment) when making a high ticket purchase. 

Digital wallets have limitations—especially for high-ticket items like jewelry. 

Country Contactless Payment Limit
USA Between $100-$300 (varies per bank)
Canada Up to $250

Tap-to-pay (contactless payment) transactions are often capped at lower amounts ($300 as it stands today),  which means that you might be leaving potential sales on the table. 

Text payments bridges the gap and allows you to accept secure, high-value transactions directly through text. 

As digital wallets become more popular, industries that sell large ticket items need to have a solution.

Curious How Text Payments Can Transform Your Jewelry Business?

As the jewelry industry continues to evolve, embracing the power of text payments is not just a smart move—it's an essential move. 

From taking the omnichannel experience to the next level to tapping into the growing BNPL trend, text-to-pay offers an experience that benefits both merchants and customers. 

Integrating text messaging into your business will not only boost sales through payments but it is also a tool that streamlines your reputation management through a deep Google Business Profile integration and helps you quickly communicate with web and social media leads. 

Now's the perfect time to explore how text payments can transform your jewelry business ✨.

Parnia Alborzi

Parnia is a writer and web designer from Montréal, Canada. After years in the point of sale and eCommerce industry, she runs a creative studio to help passionate business owners curate and tailor their online presence with memorable designs and clear messaging.

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A Step-By-Step Guide to Transforming Your Business With Text Messaging: Jewelry Stores